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Running a Successful In-Store Promotion

Print Impact asks - How to Run a Successful In-store Promotion

Does point-of-sale store promoting really work?

Take a walk around a mall, supermarket or department store and see just how much in store marketing is going on.
On average, 60% of in store purchases are made on impulse. These are unplanned sales that would not have even happened if the store was not running a promotion.

Research and Marketing

Use in store promotion to boost your retail sales.

Use in store promotion to boost your retail sales

“With such a high percentage of in-store purchases being unplanned and impulsive (up to 60% according to one U.S. study) it makes sense for retailers and brand marketers to try to influence consumers at the point-of-sale.”

Anyone who has spent time in a supermarket or department store knows there’s already an enormous amount of in-store marketing going on at any given time: product videos; public announcements; posters; banners; floor signs; and a whole lot more. The downside of these, however, is that they’re static and rely on the shopper to:

  • (a) Take notice of them and,
  • (b) Engage in an action that will lead to purchase.

“That’s why using real people (promoters) to create an in-store promotion that engages with consumers in a positive way can be so successful.”

*1 […]

Two things to consider:

1) Attract people, Lead people
In store marketing companies and promotion companies, rely on shopper marketing strategies. They know how to increase your sales by making your shopper take notice of your promotion, and then prompting them to take the appropriate action. This can be done with attractive displays or anything that catches people’s interest.

2) The Personal Touch
Having a person (promoter or sales representative) also engaging your consumers positively leads to a higher success.

These two methods work hand in hand in helping you to boosts sales.

Here are some key points to consider when planning your in-store promotion:

Every store promotion needs to focus on a clear objective.

Define what you want to achieve or sell before you start spending money on banners, advertising flags, branded gazebos, banner walls, sales representatives, or changing prices.
Print Impact also offer a few COMBO DEALS and we always have Specials running. So please have a look to see what best suits your display and pocket.

Ask yourself these questions:
1) Is your aim to boost sales of a particular product or brand?
2) Is your aim to create brand awareness?
3) Are you giving away something that the customer can sample in the store or at home?
4) Are you running a competition? Competitions allow you to build up a list of names and contact details for later promotions.
5) Do you want to create a buzz in your store, that will boost general sales or create an atmosphere so that your customers will want to come again.

Attract more customers

Remember that you have an advantage when doing a retail promotion that online marketing and social media marketing does not offer…
“Customer Experience”

86 percent of consumers are willing to pay more if they receive a great customer experience.
That’s a statistic you do not want to ignore!

A few great ideas

Window Displays
Loyalty Programs
Holding Events
Social Media
Local Fairs / Fleamarket
Local is Lekker / Sell local products
Support your community

To read up on some great promotion ideas, see links 2) below


1) How to run a successful in store promotion


2) Promotion ideas for retail stores




Running a Successful In-Store Promotion
Article Name
Running a Successful In-Store Promotion
On average, 60% of in store purchases are made on impulse. These are unplanned sales that would not have even happened if the store was not running a promotion.